How to eliminate anxiety and stress? ..

12 Quick and Easy Solutions to restart with enthusiasm and face the days in the best way.

Discover with these simple but powerful 12 exercises how you can maintain serenity and well-being by releasing the anxiety, anger and stress of modern life.

What is Stress:

Stress is a syndrome of adaptation to stressors . It can be physiological, but it can also have pathological implications, even chronic ones, which fall into the field of psychosomatics .

It happens to all of us to find ourselves in moods or situations that do not allow us to obtain what we want. If we analyze the reasons why our reaction has not worked in the past we discover that we could have responded in a different way, more useful for us … but … What prevented it?

Our mind was not prepared, it was not ready because it was engaged in many other things including work, school, children, etc.

All the most wonderful things we can imagine!

Ps. It does not matter to the mind whether the perception is real or imagined. In both cases, she will give us what we ask of her by sending substances to the body that will react accordingly ..

It is in the Mind that we can cleanse by analyzing our degree of serenity, decide what to do and how to do it with Positive Attitudes useful for our self- esteem and our well- being. 

Do you want to take a test to assess your stress level? .. Go   Here

Imagining the best we live better!

Without beating around the bush it is found everywhere that this system really works and is the real secret of Positive People. They plan and do whatever it takes to achieve what they previously dreamed of and imagined is great, better and beneficial for them …

In this way they train to follow a goal  and sooner or later, with concentration and determination, they fulfill it.

As Albert Einstein said:

 Imagination is more important than knowledge …

So I want to share with you 12 enlightening and easy tricks by Giulio Ardenghi, Businnes and Life Coach from Bergamo, of which you can download the pdf at the end of the post.

Are you ready to put these tips into practice to fight and free yourself from stress, anger and anxiety?


Twelve first aid exercises to relieve stress, anger and anxiety. Quick and easy, they can be done almost anywhere (even outside the home). They work, although some may seem a little extravagant or weird to you.

  • 1. You have a negative thought that haunts you: Describe it precisely and in detail on a sheet of paper, mention how you feel and be sincere. Then ball up the paper, throw it in the toilet, urinate on it and drain the water.
  • 2. You have a negative thought about yourself (ex: I am not up to the task X): Say this sentence aloud; laughs, but this time without energy; laugh again, with even less energy and let go.
  • 3. You have a phrase that torments you (rebuke, conviction, etc.): Imagine that you have a little monster on your right shoulder who is constantly whispering this phrase in your ear. Take it by the neck, take it off your shoulder, slam it to the ground, step on it and disintegrate it with rays of light coming out of the fingers of your outstretched hands.
  • 4. Experience a negative situation (eg you made a mistake): Imagine the situation (eg anger) in detail, even with sound, on a TV screen. Then take the remote and switch channels. Create a program that you like (color images, nice characters, favorite music); if you want you can be the protagonist, feel how you feel. Enjoy the show for a few minutes and then turn off the TV.
  • 5. They told you a phrase that bothered you: With your hands you make gestures of brushing off the imaginary dust that has stuck to it from your clothes. With your fingers, remove the imaginary encrustations and throw them in the wastepaper basket.
  • 6. You feel stressed, anxious: Do this simple exercise for one minute every hour, even at work. The result is surprising. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax and think …. I am a being of peace, I am peace, I love peace … and I share peace with others.
  • 7. You torment yourself about a decision to make: Ask a short question (eg is it okay for me to accept the new position offered to me?), With your eyes closed imagine entering an elevator. Around the bottom button is your question: press the button. The elevator goes down, goes down, goes down until it stops. The doors open. Go out. With your eyes still closed, look around. What do you see? Explore the context. How do you feel? The emotion you will feel is the answer to your question. If you don’t see anything when the doors open, grab a flashlight and light up where you’ve come. If a wall comes up, grab a pickaxe and take it down. Then continue the exercise.
  • 8. Think about everything that worries you and write it down on a sheet of paper: Think about the problems you can control and write them down on another sheet of paper. Next to the problems you can check, write what you can do to solve them. Get rid of all the other worries for which you don’t have a solution by burning the first sheet in the fireplace (be careful!).
  • 9. It is a period in which there is something that does not turn as it should: Using your left hand write a letter of at least two pages in which you remember firsthand a situation, a day, a meeting that brought you joy. Put in as much detail as possible. Insist on how you felt happy, peaceful, relaxed, joyful, satisfied, energetic, etc. Put the paper in an envelope. Write your address. Draw a small heart where the stamp goes. Franks. Give the letter to someone you trust, asking him to post it when he wants, without telling you.
  • 10. Make a list of at least five qualities: (eg I am generous, I am sincere, I am joyful, I am respectful, I am lovable, etc.) that characterize you. To start the day well, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, sit down for a moment on the bed and appreciate the gift of a new day. Create a positive thought about one of the five qualities and enjoy a few minutes of silent reflection on the meaning and how you exercise that quality towards yourself. Make a resolution to apply that quality to yourself and others throughout the day.
  • 11. You feel the need to dedicate some time to yourself in peace : Peace is simplicity. Decide that some day will be your day of simplicity. Speak little and listen carefully. Do something beautiful for a loved one. Eat simple, natural food. Carve out spaces where you can take a walk while remaining silent. Look around. Live the moment. Open your mind to a deeper and more silent sensitivity. Appreciate what you see and each person for who they are. In the evening, write down what you have discovered. Feel what you feel and observe the state of your mind.
  • 12. You have had a heavy day, a long and busy meeting, you feel tired and stressed, drained of your energy: Take a nice, long shower imagining that the water is like a shower of gold, full of energy, that washes away the fatigue, the sticky stress, the negative energy that others have passed on to you. Rub the whole body (even the head) first with a little vigor, then more and more gently, until you massage yourself with the golden water full of energy.

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