Style and fashion is about getting inspiration and freedom to find your own, personal style.

Fashion gives you a fresh look at your clothes and new ideas for compositions and expressions.

Style defines who you are and what you want to radiate.

Here are 12 tips on how to give your personal style new life:

 1. Get inspired

When you see a picture in a fashion magazine, or see a woman who you think has a delicious style, you are free to be inspired.

It is not the same as imitating.
Because you still have your own style, and will not look like others (you should not either!)

But if you e.g. see a picture with clothes in a bold color scheme, try to imitate it with clothes from your own wardrobe.

It may well be that you do not have e.g. a red sweater, pink pants and burgundy shoes.
But then you might have red pants, burgundy sweater and a pink scarf.

Or if you see a picture of a leopard patterned jacket paired with red checkers.
So think about whether you might also have something red that you can pair with your leopard-colored belt, or whatever else you have.

Think more generally in colors, patterns, and compositions, rather than taking it quite literally.

Use what you already have in your wardrobe

There is no rule that you have to buy new to renew your wardrobe.

Maybe you can just find something out that you have been a little tired of and therefore have hidden away.
In the meantime, you may have found new ways to put your clothes together, and then an old thing that you start using again will bring new life to your wardrobe.

3. Do not be afraid to buy new

Although I encourage you to use the clothes and accessories you already have first and foremost, do not be afraid to buy new (unless the bank says no!).

A new jacket, skirt, dress, bag, etc. can be just what binds your wardrobe together.
So if you keep coming back to one (or more) specific thing, BUY it and enjoy all the new styling options you get.

4. Be creative and use your new ideas when you have the time and desire

There is no need to insist on being fresh, new and fantastically dressed all the time if you feel comfortable with the style of clothing you have right now.

Wait until you have the profit and opportunity to be creative.
Then experimenting with fashion and style becomes a game you enjoy, rather than feeling pressured.

5. Throw out what you are not using

I have said it many times: it only leads to annoyance and bad conscience to stick to clothes and accessories that you do not use.

  • If the clothes are something you have received from a dear family member or that reminds you of a bygone era, try to find something else that gives you good memories.
  • If the clothes are something you can not fit and (realistically) will not fit for the time being, then save yourself the mental hugs you get every time you see the clothes.
  • If the clothes are something that should have been repaired a long time ago, then save yourself the annoyance that you will never get it repaired anyway.

6. Unpack the clothes you are not wearing

Have you “lived” in a knit sweater and can’t bear to look at it yet?
Is it no longer “shorts and sandal weather”?
Or are your leather pants too warm to wear?

Then unpack the clothes until you feel like and have the opportunity to use the clothes again.
Otherwise, it just lies and fills, and you risk losing track of your wardrobe.

7. Take good care of your clothes and shoes

Whether you buy expensive or cheap, clothes and accessories stay nicer for a longer period of time if you take good care of it.

Hang up the clothes after you have used them and let them evaporate instead of washing them – it wears on the clothes.
Keep your shoes well-polished and change if necessary. heels before being worn all the way down.
Put your clothes neatly and folded in place.

8. Dress as you like

Do you want to show legs, arms and chest? Do it!
Would you rather dress more covered? Do it!

Your personal style is about dressing so that you feel comfortable.

There are plenty of options to dress exactly as you like!
– and remember: Good style has no age. Everyone can carry everything at all times!

9. Plan what to wear

I’m not saying you should know a whole week’s outfits down to the smallest detail.

But it is a good idea to prepare some sets so that you save time in everyday life on finding clothes.

Then the risk of getting into the same kind of clothes – and maybe feeling a little boring – is also less.

10. Dress so that the clothes fit you as you look right now

Do not think that you just have to lose 10 kg before you can get smart.
It may never happen!

There is no need to procrastinate in dressing nicely.

11. Give compliments

Compliments make both yourself and the recipient happy!

Maybe you get compliments too?
So accept them, say thank you – and do not belittle them.

They are said in a good sense.

12. Wear clothes that make you happy

Whether you are into multicolored ruffle dresses, tight suits or something completely different, the most important thing for good style is that you dress in clothes that make you happy and make you feel comfortable.