There are huge differences in thought between the rich and the poor

And we’re not talking about the bank account or property, but the way the rich see things versus how the poor see them.

2 different people, 2 different worlds, but above all 2 different ways of seeing life.
It is the difference between the rich and the poor who, as also happens for men and women, have different ways of thinking. So here are the 17 differences between them, a completely different way of living and thinking about your life.

1 – Life. Rich people think: I create my life . The poor think: Life is something that happens.  

2 – The game. Rich people play to win. Poor people play in order not to lose.

3 – The Commitment. The rich strive to achieve wealth. The poor just want to get rich.

4 – Thought. Rich people think big . Poor people think small.

5 – Opportunities. The rich focus on opportunities. The poor focus on obstacles and problems.

6 – Resentment. Wealthy people admire other wealthy people and successful people in hopes of discovering their secrets. Poor people, on the other hand, have a strong resentment towards the rich. Resentment that will lead them to remain poor.

This is an important point to think about …

In fact, if a poor person resents a rich person, he will remain poor. For an unconscious predisposition if she became rich she would feel the same resentment for herself. It is one of the points that does not allow a poor person to cross the threshold and become rich.

For example, envy requires more energy than focusing on achieving one’s wealth. But the difference is very clear. Envy absorbs energy and brings only anger and frustration. Focusing on goals takes less energy and brings wealth.

7 – Success. Wealthy people associate wealth and successful people with positivity . Poor people associate wealth and successful people with negativity.

8 – Knowing how to sell. Rich people know how to promote themselves and their values. Poor people view sales and promotion negatively .

9 – Solutions. Wealthy people seek solutions . Poor people flee their problems .

Great men, great problems. Little men, little problems.

10 – Objectives. Wealthy people know what they want and get the best. Poor people know what they don’t want and they get just that.

11 – Results. Wealthy people choose to get paid based on results . Poor people choose to be paid on a time -based basis .

12 – Health. Rich people between wealth and health choose both . Poor people between wealth and health choose one or the other.

13 – Value. Wealthy people focus on their network of values. Poor people focus on income from work.

14 – Management. The rich manage their money well. The poor mismanage their money .

15 – Work. Rich people have the money that works for them. Poor people work hard for money.

16 – Courage. Wealthy people act in spite of fear. Poor people stop by fear.

17 – Growth. Wealthy people are constantly learning and growing. Poor people think they already know everything.