No matter how bad our day is, there’s always something that can make it a little bit better right away. It could be a shower, a favorite meal, or looking at pictures of people we love that make us feel happy and good. Whether it’s a picture of our child in his or her latest Halloween costume, a pet, or a baby bear, those pictures can make our day better.

“My boyfriend’s lifelong dream was to get to play with a bear and it finally happened.”


“A well-earned pupaccino after working hard today. 10/10 good girl Pickle.”


“Alumni band members were invited to play during halftime, no babysitter needed.”



“Ollie loves eating his tiny paw.”

“This is Galaxy. He is the therapy dog at Denver children’s hospital and he is a very good boy.”


“Too cute & smol I can’t handle it!”


“Security guard by night, baby sitter by day.”


“Friday night cuddles with Leela. All da beaaaaans!”

“Sully off to help the students relax again.”


“Kodi sleepily says hello!”


“Getting the goober ready to head off to daycare.”


“Yes officer, he knocked me down and held me hostage (with his cuteness).”

“Found this little guy alone under a bridge.”

“First trip to the beach. He loved it.”


“Meet my first son!”