How to draw and bring balance into your life

Three items on Mind Map that you can control to paint the life you want

From this article you have access to an online mind map dedicated to your personal growth in Life Design style, here you will discover:

  1. What is Life Design
  2. The 3 macro environments that shape your lifestyle
  3. How to bring them into balance

    Life Design

    From the 70s onwards after Pnl, from the Silva Method , from Positive Psychology, from Biogenetics, from the teachings of mystics, from meditation , from Laughter Yoga and infinite other holistic forms it has been confirmed several times that through thoughts and behaviors we are able to completely transform our life.

    Life Design ( designing your life) is what is functional (and now taught in the most prestigious American universities) to create a prototype and then realize what for us represents a quality life.

    A set of techniques designed to discover your ideal lifestyle and to move in that direction with precision and determination.

    The main meta-skills of the life designer are:

    1. Adaptability : In the 21st century, job demands have changed a lot… Until 20 years ago, an employee produced results for the organization, for the company. Today a company needs a competent, adaptable and independent employee. A person who loves to do their job and capable of doing multiple tasks alone.
    2. Identity : A person who knows how to motivate himself, how to regain his self- esteem . Self-aware and with a strong reflective capacity, who knows his values, his talents and uses them to improve as a person.

    The required constructs are:

    • Interest : Interest in one’s future, to look forward, to prepare in advance for the next step.
    • Control : Responsibility in shaping yourself and your environment to take the next step, using self-discipline, commitment and persistence to prepare for the future .
    • Curiosity : Curiosity to explore possible selves and alternative scenarios: imagine yourself in different situations and in different roles.
    • Self-confidence : Confidence in one’s ability to implement one’s choices to realize one’s life project, pursuing one’s aspirations. Source Faculty of Psychology / Orientation

    In practice today, the job of an employee 20 years ago can be done by a robot or an Asian freelancer who works remotely at a decimated salary…. Today, people willing to improve are sought and hired .

    Balance is the center

    Woman on beam

    Flexibility and identity are not activated if there is no personal balance, a wealth of personal skills and a possible rescue method. This largely depends on our mind, on how we use it …

    As you have already read on the blog, your mind does not care about your happiness and satisfaction . It works to keep your safety. For this simple but deleterious reason it induces you to repeat the same habits that bring you back to a state of comfort.

    Even when your ideas are wrong. Changing is complex because it requires changing something that has been repeated for us and has become a habit.

    So your new diet will be abandoned, your project will end up in the drawer , the expensive intensive seminar forgotten in a few weeks … and that book you never finished reading? …

    ”  Life  is so … normal, before something happens.” Sean Connery

    How do you really change? ..

    With one tiny step at a time. This is the only way to do it but it requires perseverance and a method that we will see shortly … The small change of today, if added to that of tomorrow and those of the following days, will lead you in a few months to be a completely different person.

    A person aware of himself and of what he desires, capable of realizing his intentions. Thus your mind will gradually accept what does not upset its state and will gladly adapt, it will push you towards your ideal lifestyle.

    The 3 environments of equilibrium

    The success of the Life Designer as we have seen is first personal and then professional. The many examples, some of which are no longer with us, show that to be successful at work you need to be in control of other personal environments. Bringing these three factors into shape guarantees you not only wealth or prestige but also mental and spiritual completeness to enjoy them.

    Satisfaction and well-being must be sought within oneself, the outside will then respond accordingly.

    1. Physical Health: On the mental map that you can navigate from any device there are some indications (links) about the most deleterious habits of today. The ones that cause the most symptoms and diseases. What you eat, how and how much you sleep and movement.
    2. Mental Health : Means positive thoughts with facts and not words, trivia, memory exercises , mind maps and anything that trains your mind to stay awake and ready. How do you think and above all what do you believe about yourself and the world around you. This makes a difference because you will act on what you have thought and believed. Take these factors seriously because they make a difference to your results.
    3. Relationships: Others favor your access to love, happiness, fun, partnership, and even opportunities and lots of money. They want the same things as you, positive emotions . Analyze your environment and change it if it doesn’t suit you. Select the people you want to spend hours or months with. Remember that you become the sum of the 5 people you hang out with, your considerations come from their thoughts. You choose who to be influenced by, learn from them but in the end you decide with your head.
    4. Work, study and money: Learn competence and give more than required. Don’t leave things unfinished and find out how to be more effective . Find out how to work and how to study better, put into practice what you learn and how to deserve the right reward. Help others solve problems. Give more than you get and you will never have a job or money problem. On the mind map you have more strategies, collect them and exploit them …

    Finally: How to create balance

    No one can tell you what is most important to you. Look for your personal values ​​in your moral values ​​and prioritize them. Among these you will find the precise formula to which you can dedicate your concentration. Follow your values ​​and change deleterious beliefs …

    If work is everything to you, think about how not to become a slave to it. Take the time to recharge your batteries with your partner, family or friends. Decide on usable space and free up time to do activities for your health, relationships and work. Bring balance to these environments and you won’t need sleep drops for too much work.