Make yourself a delicious Christmas DIY body scrub for yourself or as a gift! This body-peeling cream is made from familiar ingredients, most of which are likely to be found in your closet. The exfoliating cream is completely vegan and if you want, you can easily make it into a homemade organic exfoliating cream!

These are what you need for DIY body scrubs

3 dl sugar
1 orange peel
0.5 dl orange juice
1 dl melted coconut oil
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
in a glass jar with a lid, for example an empty children’s puree jar. Use the instructions below to make an exfoliating cream in two small jars of puree.

Manufacture of body scrub

  1. If the coconut oil is not flowing, melt it. However, do not heat to prevent the sugar crystals from melting. You can gently heat the oil in the microwave and allow to cool for a while at room temperature.
  2. Wash the orange thoroughly. Grate the crust with a small grater and add the oil. Finally, squeeze the juices from the half orange, about half a dec, and mix in the oil.
  3. Mix the sugar and cinnamon first with each other and then with the oil and orange. You can use any crystalline sugar. With brown or coconut sugar, you get a darker shade for this DIY body scrub.
  4. Spoon the exfoliating cream into a glass jar and close the lid tightly. Decorate the glass jar to your liking if you give a body scrub as a gift. Store in the refrigerator!

Gently exfoliate the skin of the body a couple of times a month by applying a small amount of exfoliating cream to damp skin with extensive rotating movements. Rinse off the exfoliating cream with plain water, leaving your skin silky soft with coconut oil!