Cold sores are a very common thing that many have tried to get. It’s completely harmless, but still really annoying.

But how do you get rid of those annoying wounds – and why do they occur? 

Here are tips on how to avoid cold sores in the future and what you can do right now and here

What is a cold sore?

A cold sore comes from an infection with the herpes simplex virus.

The virus most often appears as a sore on the lip, where it is called a cold sore.

You can infect others with cold sores through touch. Viruses can also spread to other parts of your body.

Once you have been infected, the virus stays in your body.

What are the symptoms of cold sores?

When a cold sore is on its way, it starts with a tingling and burning sensation, after which a blister comes on the lip that forms a cold sore.

You can expect the outbreak to last about 7-10 days.

However, it is important that you pay attention to whether the wound turns yellowish. If it turns yellowish, your wounds may be due to staphylococci.

cold sore

Cold sores on the lip

The reason you get a cold sore is because you are in contact with others.

Since viruses can be contagious, a cold sore is contagious and you should therefore be careful not to infect others if you have been unlucky enough to get a cold sore.

Treatment of cold sores – what works best?

The most important thing you can do when you discover that you have had a cold sore is to have it treated with a cream that can soothe the outbreak.

At the pharmacy you can find a sea of ​​different creams that contain substances, it suppresses the herpes infection.

If you repeatedly experience cold sores, it is important that you contact your doctor to possibly get another treatment, as there may be other reasons why you get the various outbreaks.

These things can provoke cold sores

  • Illness such as colds
  • Exposure to strong sunlight (sunbathing)
  • Stress in everyday life
  • Menstruation

It is very normal for you to notice symptoms of cold sores 1-2 days before an outbreak. You can e.g. feel uncomfortable and get a feeling of having a fever.

Three tips to prevent cold sores

If you have a recurring problem with cold sores, you may want to try to prevent cold sores so that they do not occur again and again.

Of course, we always encourage you to contact your doctor if the cold sores do not go away.

  1. You can try using lip balm with sun factor. That way you avoid getting burned and sunburned on your lips and around your mouth.
  2. Make sure you eat healthy and exercise. A poor immune system helps to increase the chances of getting a cold sore.
  3. Some people have experienced fewer cold sores if they avoid eating foods with the amino acid tryptophan. Among other things, nuts and chocolate containing this substance.