Every day we wake up and start doing a thousand things out of habit and necessity … These create emotions and results that are different from those we would like …

What if we had instead a pattern, a program, a map to follow daily that helps us to cultivate Positive Emotions all day long? .. How would we be? … What would our life be like? …

If you can’t answer these questions I have a gift, a Mind Map is for you


Here are the Daily Positivity Exercises:

1. Start the day right.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, before you start doing everything, take 5 minutes for yourself. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes, visualize your day passing positively, with passion and energy, feel how lucky you are to have that project or desire and live it with all the sensations as if it were already real, as if it were already real. This will give you Energy.

2. Use the Tools.

Every day seek information , read, study and learn everything you need to train and learn even more. Listen to audio books on travels or strolls to get new ideas and keep a Gratitude Journal . Write every day the reasons why you are lucky / a , look for them, you will find many. Write down the sentences, the motivating concepts that keep you focused on your personal project.

3 Listen to the emotions.

During the day listen to the emotions you feel, noting where they lead you, if you have negative ones, question them by remembering the 3Ps. Nothing is forever, nothing is personal, nothing is pervasive . Ask yourself useful questions to a positive state of mind … How do I want to be now? .. So what should I do? .. 

4 Really thank you!

Really feeling that everything you have and that happens to you every day is a GIFT to you that sets in motion a much greater law than what people imagine. You have to believe it and do it first, smile first, don’t wait for others to do it.  Really thank you!

5 Actions and purpose.

Act every day in the direction of your goal, stay focused only on that and avoid any distraction . Decide on the time available daily and keep going one step at a time.

This will become habit in 21/30 days and therefore a necessity, it will then be easier to be motivated and continue with determination.

6 Always remember the Law.

Receive what you give and Attract your fellow men.  This is a Universal Law that does not compromise, the result is mandatory for everyone so pay attention to your thoughts and attitudes because they are the ones that form the road back to future events. Learn to seek and find the positivity of things.