Eggplant and rice meatballs are a unique dish that is cooked in the oven or in a pan without frying. They consist of a mixture of boiled rice and aubergines cooked in a pan, subsequently flavored with herbs and cheese. Breaded with simple breadcrumbs, they are browned in the oven, or on a thick-bottomed pan.

Tasty and nutritious, informal, they can be eaten with your hands and therefore are also suitable as a meal outside the home. For lunch on the beach, on the lawn or, why not, at work.
They do not contain meat, so they are perfect for those who do not consume it, they are easy to make and practical to cook in advance.

Eggplant and rice balls

Ingredients for 10 meatballs

1 large aubergine (about 600 g)
150 g of arborio rice
150 g of smoked provola
2 medium eggs
1 red onion from Tropea
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
A bunch of aromatic herbs (marjoram and sage)
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash and dry the aubergine, remove the stalk, then cut it into slices about 1 cm thick, then cut into cubes.
In a pan heat the oil, add the finely chopped spring onion and brown it. Add the aubergine cubes, leave to flavor for a few minutes, then add salt and cover the pan.
Cook the aubergines over low heat until soft, then restrict any cooking liquid.

Meanwhile, bring salted water to a boil and cook the rice keeping it al dente. Drain well, then transfer to a salad bowl.
Add the aubergines and the grated smoked provolone with the large-hole mandolin.
Add the chopped herbs, eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, then mix thoroughly to obtain a uniform mixture.

Divide the mixture into 10 equal parts and form balls, then melt them.
In a bowl pour a few tablespoons of breadcrumbs, transfer two meatballs at a time and sprinkle them well on all sides and edges. As you bread the meatballs, keep them aside.

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a low-sided baking tray, brush it with a thin layer of oil, then transfer the meatballs.
Add a few drops of oil also on the surface, then place in a preheated oven at 180 ° and cook until golden brown.
Remove the eggplant and rice balls from the oven and serve hot, or as soon as they cool. They are excellent in both cases.