Comics MadBytio is a very effective storyteller. They only need 4 panels to express an idea. However, the simplicity of this form does not mean that the situation is easy. The material is a healthy mix of normal and unusual.

One joke may be about our filthy currencies and the next scene shows emotional lobsters boiling people for dinner. Either way, they’re straightforward, outrageous, and most importantly, ridiculous. Med B. Byte has a knack for making fun of the ridiculousness of our world and constantly, unexpectedly new ways to do so emerge.


After going to web comics, immediately go to Med B.V. It turned out that this was their choice. Explaining, the artist said, I love the idea that you can show so much with four small panels, that you can make people think about different topics, or just put smiles on their faces.


Mad By tio’s former roommate and he was exploding with hilarious ideas, no matter how “stupid” they thought he was. One day, I created a Facebook page and an Instagram account and started posting my jokes on them. That was the beginning,” he said.

Soon, MedBytio launched one of his popular mini-series, How Your Brain Runs. It started in 2019. Truth be told, many of these situations have happened to me personally. That’s why I made the first ‘How Your Brain Works’ comedy. The one with coffee that hurt a lot.

















