What is your perception of yourself? …

Find out how to improve it easily with the exercise on your successes.

Changing the perception of oneself when we do not like what we see is the only way to feel good about yourself, to improve and align with today’s demands. It is a condition that many, especially today, should take a look at.

If from the environment in which we live, from the family or from society we have learned habits that we discover harmful to our serenity.

We need to look inside and notice if we have not now become our real limit . And here I reveal to you a first clue … It is what we believe we are that outlines our business.

That is, we act exactly in accordance with the perception we have of us now. And it all starts with your thoughts. This does not involve wanting to be superior to others, but to train ourselves to have a good dose of self-esteem that allows us to have a tomorrow in our control.

The success. Success means something other than having money in abundance or popularity. Being successful means having the ability to make things happen. This involves awareness and responsibility for our behaviors.

What is disconcerting to recognize is that whatever activity or thought you have focused your energies on, over time it has produced results proportional to the dedication you have applied.

Success is not sudden luck  but constant application.

Some examples?…

  • You will write interesting books as much as you have studied the relevant concepts
  • You will have happiness and freedom based on how much you have cultivated them in the soul
  • You will have mental health as much as you have fed it
  • You will have powerful muscles as long as you train
  • You will have as much respect as you have given
  • You will have as much passion and enthusiasm as those things are important to you
  • You will have money in proportion to how much you understand and solve people’s problems
  • You will have a natural perception of yourself as much as you train yourself to  believe in yourself …

In each of these activities and many others, you have already been successful several times but you have not tasted it completely for a simple but fundamental reason:

You didn’t take it all the way . 

That characteristic or faculty has not become a predominant part of you because both your mind with negative thoughts, and the external claiming your presence has always prevented you from cultivating the necessary attention over time.


Rediscovering your past successes.

  1. Try to rethink the situations in the past in which you felt beautiful, protected, capable, safe, peaceful, appreciated , loved …
  2. It could have been that time when you and your friends had a house party and you had so much fun, when you cooked that dish for your beloved, when you put on that dress and everyone was admiring you, when you finally said the your idea in the office, when you won that award, that big challenge, got that job. Think back to the past occasions when you really appreciated yourself.
  3. Think about how proud and satisfied you felt and how simple and possible things were were, review your straight and determined posture, your confidence and security , the energy that gave you to feel capable and successful. Make a list. Find and write down all the situations in which you have had this type of success and savor the feelings you felt then again, relive them in detail and write them next to each situation.
  4. Now the final question: What can you do from now on to have moods like these? … Write down which applications in your environment can ensure the exact same sensations. How can you think and move differently than usual, you can love more, listen to yourself more, protect, observe, do a thousand things in another way. Life is made up of sensations that you can choose from.