A big pile of meatball pasta recipes can already be found on this blog. And the reason is that meatballs have become one of my favorite dishes. Changing something with a small ingredient in the food gives you a new twist and so you don’t have to eat exactly the same meatballs or the same sauce every time.


And you joked about how good the pasta tasted from the new pasta plates I received as a birthday present. ?? 

I immediately prepared the guide in duplicate, so if you also want to make a bigger sats right away, then double the ingredients in the recipe.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

500 g minced beef ½
dl pork flour
1 dl water (or broth if desired)
1 egg
3 tablespoons grated parmesan 1
garlic clove crushed 3 tablespoons
chopped parsley
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon chives 1 teaspoon teaspoon (400 g) canned tomatoes ½ dl water ½ teaspoon dried rosemary ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoons black peppercake In addition: a little wheat flour Put water (or broth in a bowl) and mix in the flour. Let swell for a moment.

Add egg, grated parmesan and spices. Add the minced meat and mix into a smooth dough. I let the dough season while you make the sauce.
Chop the onion and saute it in the oil in a flat frying pan. Add the tomato puree, heat, stirring. Pour in the tomatoes with the broth and break them up a little with a bucket. Add water and spices. Let the sauce simmer for 15 minutes and pour it into the baking dish.
Roll out the dough into large meatballs and roll them in wheat flour.
Fry the dumplings in a beautiful surface in oil in a frying pan. Lift the meatballs in a baking dish over the sauce and cook in a 200 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Serve with pasta. 



 The previous name post was already a mile long, so I didn’t open the backgrounds of the name Aada any more. But let’s get back to that a little more. When we found out at the structural ultra in November that we would be blessed with a girl, we immediately began to consider the name issue. I have to say that it is very difficult to think about a name. Somehow I didn’t seem to find a suitable, mutually pleasing name. He was called Irmel, but from the beginning it was clear that it was not going to be his real name. However, we came up with one suitable name and decided that if there is no more suitable one, it will become his name. However, we reported that Irmeli name to the hospital when we had to give it a name for the bracelet (we didn’t give emergency irrigation). 




We are both quite blonde by birth and neither of them has had very many hairs in the picture even 1 year old. Because of that, we both had the assumption that our child would be pale and almost bald at birth. But we were born with a girl who already had handsome brown hair. I knew at once that the name we were thinking of now did not correspond to the type for which we had designed it, and I immediately crammed the name we came up with. I just don’t know why, but somehow the name didn’t match any of the little types we were born with. And that’s when the ruthless thought of the name began. 




I didn’t seem to make any suggestions, but my husband had remembered the name Aada from the Christmas story. That’s what Aada’s baby did a little badly when she drowned in the ice with her parents. My husband immediately stated that this Aada is changing the course of the story. ? We decided to start calling him Adam at home already, and if the name starts to seem natural to both of us, we leave it to the nickname. We got confirmation that this is exactly the real name when we asked our (then 7-year-old) goddaughter a name suggestion and it became the name Aada like a cannonball. ?




Sit started wondering if more names would be given than that one. I don’t have other names, so I don’t have another name “inherited” from him either. But since that first name is only 4 letters, it seemed natural for someone else to develop it. Indeed, a ruthless search of the family tree began to see if there could be another harmonious name. Until the very last days, she was given another name for my grandmother. I would have liked that name for the very reason that the name led to our Karelian family roots. My husband thought this name was just ok, but he was still thinking of an alternative name all the time. And during the naming week, he and my daughter listened to Leev’s songs on Youtube, and that’s where the second name was found – in the songs of North Karelia. She suddenly shouted at Annel from the shoulder and that name was right for me. And yes, it did, because the same name was found in the name of my mother and my late mother. And in a way, with that Leev song, that Karelia was kept with the name. ?


Hi it would be a few days before midsummer. What kind of midsummer plans are in the air? For us, this is the first midsummer as a family, and pretty much midsummer (even) goes on the terms of that girl – that is, eat, change the diaper, socialize for a moment and put to sleep and start from the beginning! ? But it’s just a passel program for this Midsummer. If I don’t have time for the machine before midsummer, then for sure I wish everyone a very wonderful, relaxing, fun midsummer party! ? Enjoy and take care of each other! ❤