Offices can be the place where the activity of a business is fundamentally carried out or they can be its letter of introduction; in any case, they are important spaces in which a large amount of time is spent.

Each one must be adapted to its specific needs, however, there are a series of common elements that make any type of office a better place to work.

Obviously, a marketing agency does not need the same space as a law firm, nor do they need the same work tools, but for example, both need to keep documentation, both online and offline, so as At a minimum, they need computers and filing cabinets. However, it is common that in newer or more creative professions the offices are open spaces, without partitions, giving a feeling of spaciousness where privacy is not very relevant on a day-to-day basis, but in other professions in which Privacy is important, like a psychology office or a law firm, offices tend to be closed spaces   with different spaces for each professional.

We leave you with the main factors that will make each office the perfect space to work.

  1. Distribution

In addition to the distribution of all the physical space that the office covers, that is, whether it has an open-plan office or one with partitions, the distribution of the workstations is essential. It is advisable that in the place where you are going to sit down to work you have a space of one and a half meters to be able to move easily to all sides. If you have lamps or windows nearby, the computer should be placed perpendicular to the light sources to avoid annoying reflections on the screen.

It is very important to take into account the conditions and work environment of the office, since it largely depends on whether workers feel comfortable, valued and are much more productive. When an employee feels comfortable in his or her job, his or her motivation is much greater.

  1. Lighting

If possible, choose that the area in which you are going to work has at least one entry of natural light, as we mentioned in the previous point, the light must reach perpendicular to the screen on which you are working and if direct light enters , it is preferable that you use curtains or tinted glass to tone the light.

Ideally, the light in an office should be white or bluish to reduce fatigue.

If you have a small office, it is best for the color of the walls to be light. A good idea for your office if it is not very large is for the color of the walls to be   light blue as it increases concentration.

On the other hand, for work spaces that do not have much natural light, white is a great option, as it enhances luminosity, in addition to visually expanding the space. Other colors that can work very well in work spaces are light gray, green, beige or soft orange and yellow tones.

3. Basic elements

Whatever your workspace in the office is like, there are a series of elements that make everyday life more pleasant, comfortable and simple. That there is enough office material and that it is correctly organized and stored so that it can be accessed at any time, will save you from many battles about why materials disappear from desks, who has taken what and similar situations. That there is sufficient material and that its access is known to all personnel who need it, saves a lot of time and unnecessary disputes.

Another basic element, especially for those who do not have a good memory, is to always have a notepad nearby, where you can write down the most urgent tasks, the messages that a colleague leaves you, the details of a phone call, etc. Other essential office supplies are paper clips, staplers, pens, scissors, envelopes, etc.

It is also nice to have coffee and tea in the office, even more so on winter mornings, as well as having water.

Another basic element is to have a good cleaning service, and in the case of small companies or self-employed workers, who may not have an external cleaning service, always have cleaning products on hand and tidy up the work desks frequently, since that in a pleasant and clean environment it performs much better.

4. Furniture and decoration

This is one of the key elements when it comes to properly equipping your office. Choosing the furniture well will favor your comfort, productivity and the operability of the space. The first thing is to take into account the dimensions of the office and be aware that the furniture is part of the design of the office decoration, so its choice is aimed at comfort but also at the image that you want to communicate both for possible visits as well as for the workers themselves.

If you have different areas in the office, you can create different designs for each one.

There are pieces of furniture that are essential, such as office chairs, work tables, trash cans, meeting tables and waiting room furniture if there is one, which is the most common.

Whether office furniture is ergonomic is a direct cause of comfort and performance. Each employee has physical characteristics and needs, so promoting their comfort by offering ergonomic furniture is very important. This is achieved without spending too much money with chairs that have adjustable seats, backrests and armrests, for example.

In addition to ergonomic furniture, it is very interesting that they are also light furniture, easy to assemble, resistant and with finishes in line with the style you want to give to your office. On the other hand, it is essential that the furniture is functional and adapts to the needs of the company and each of its workers.

Technology is becoming increasingly important in offices, regardless of the type of business, so you also have to take into account the arrangement of printers, scanners, etc.

A couple of final tips regarding decoration are to have a work of art that stimulates the imagination and gives a personal and different touch to your office, and with a plant, which gives a lot of life to an office, reduces pollution and They improve morale.

5. Storage of paper documentation

How to organize office files or how and where to store the large amount of documentation that is generated can be a difficult task, but this process does not necessarily have to be complicated if you have planning, order and office furniture. for suitable files.

Once you have a proper file ordering system, all you need to do is stick to a consistent system to keep your files organized and accessible forever. And an organized office is a sure success and in terms of documentation, it is essential to have a sufficient number of organizers and filing cabinets.

There are numerous storage systems for archiving documentation, each of them adapts to specific needs. For example, some are designed to be much more accessible; these are ideal for workplaces where numerous queries are made daily, as they can then be completed very quickly.

On the other hand, for semi-active files, the ideal is to have various shelves from floor to ceiling, since they are the best way to optimize space. For example, Galvamil shelves for permanent filing cabinets are ideal for storing and organizing documentation that is not consulted frequently.

If you have a large amount of inactive documentation, it is best to opt for metal shelves with file boxes., since this way you can store all your documentation in perfect conditions in a small space. These shelves are very easy to assemble, since they do not have nuts or screws, and they are also very resistant. Their biggest advantage is that they can be expanded with shelves, additional modules or additional boxes.

There is no doubt that the storage of documentation is of vital importance for any type of company, many aspects of it depend on it. In order to correctly store this documentation, it is essential to have a good storage system and resistant, easy-to-assemble and high-quality furniture.

Finally, you should keep in mind that in addition to having shelves for filing , it is necessary to have folders and filing cabinets in which to previously store the documentation before storing it. Another very important aspect to keep in mind is to identify each of the folders and shelves where they are placed with labels, this way you will always know where you have everything. If you do not want to compromise with the quality of your office essentials then I would like to recommend Viking for your office where you can buy quality items at good prices.