Spaghetti with pepper cream and Greek feta are a delicious, undemanding first course that is prepared quickly.
The dressing consists of a velvety puree of peppers cooked in a pan and then blended with a few ingredients.
Raw basil helps to make this cream particularly fragrant and tasty, light and suitable for a summer meal.

Another type of pasta can also be seasoned, but I think spaghetti enhance this rustic and genuine sauce better.
I also find that feta goes very well with pepper, because it brings taste and flavor, without prevailing over the whole.
If you like pasta salads, these spaghetti with pepper cream can also be offered in a warm or cold version.

Spaghetti with pepper cream

Ingredients for 4 servings

320 g of spaghetti
1 medium red pepper (about 400 g)
100 g of drained Greek feta cheese
A dozen fresh basil leaves
6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of crushed or powdered chilli
1 clove of garlic
Salt to taste

Wash and dry the pepper, cut it in half and remove seeds and internal white parts, after which cut it into chunks.
In a pan, heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add the garlic and peppers, then leave to flavor for a few minutes, stirring.
Add a pinch of salt, cover the pan and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. Check that the peppers are soft but with the pulp still firm, then turn off the heat and let it cool.

Put the cooked peppers in the jug of a food processor. Add the washed and dried basil, 4 tablespoons of oil, the crumbled Greek feta, a pinch of red pepper and blend. You will need to obtain a homogeneous and velvety cream.
In the meantime you will have boiled the water for the pasta in a pan. Add the salt and add the spaghetti, cook them for the necessary time and drain them al dente.
Transfer them to a bowl, add the pepper cream, a few coarse pieces of feta cheese and mix. Spaghetti with cream of peppers and feta are excellent freshly made, serve immediately.