Why dare? ..

We often find ourselves learning our lessons too late, when things have not gone our way.

5 reasons to find the courage to dare now.

We can dare every day and in many ways:

  • Dare to take that vacation that we need so much to recharge our batteries , even if it is not the right time.
  • Dare to be respected when the situation requires it with the partner, the office manager, the spiteful colleague.
  • Or dare to be more cordial to see how others respond. Which no one expects anymore.
  • Dare to accept possibilities other than those we take for granted. To think outside our head .
  • Dare to commit to being what we wanted at the expense of what is good for others.

Why dare? .. Because otherwise you have already lost ..

Too many of us wait a long time to live a better life. They keep putting everything off until tomorrow. Take the time to take  risks . Take the time to love, laugh, cry, learn, and forgive . Life is shorter than it seems.

5 important things to know now before it’s too late:

1. Right now is your life. – Your life is not between the moments of your birth or your death. Your life is between just before and your next breath. The present is  here and now , it is the whole life that you do not live every moment in total, in goodness and in peace, without fear and regrets ..

It’s doing the best you can with what you have now, because that’s all you can expect from anyone, including yourself.

2. Life isn’t long . This is your story, and you’ve already had a chance to fight for her. Fight for what’s right, fight for what you believe in, fight for what’s important to you. Fight for the people you love, and never forget to tell them how much they mean to you.

Realize the fact that you are lucky right now because you still have a chance. So stop for a moment and think.

Whatever you still need to do, start doing it today. The tomorrows are numbered.

3. Today’s sacrifices will pay dividends in the future. – When it comes to working hard to make a dream come true, earning an extra degree, building a new business, or any other personal accomplishment takes time and effort.

One thing you can ask yourself is: ” Am I willing to live a few years of my life as many people would not, so that I can spend the rest of my life, how many people could not? ” If yes, respect yours. wishes .

4. You are the most important relationship. – Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval. You must first have a healthy relationship with yourself before you can have a healthy relationship with others.

You need to feel useful and acceptable in your own eyes , so you will be able to confidently look into the eyes of the people around you and connect with them.

5. Behind every wonderful life, there is always some kind of pain.   You stumble and fall, make mistakes and fail all the time, but you stand up through it all, live and learn. You are human, not perfect. You have been hurt, not defeated.

Yes, sometimes there is a lot of pain along the way, but this is a small price to pay for the immeasurable moments of love and joy that life can give you. What is the reason why it is necessary to take a step forward even when it hurts? ..  Because you know that the inner strength that you have, what has brought you this far can lead to the rest of the way.

And of course, if you are struggling with any of the above points, know that you are not alone. Many of us are there with you, working hard to feel better, to think more clearly , and to live a headache and heartache-free life ….